Monday, September 17, 2012

Totally random post

Today I went to the dentist again. Had to get a permanent crown, plus he worked on another crown and other assorted painful procedures. Dentists are not my favorite people, although my dentist Dr. Cho is young and very knowledgeable and very kind. Right now my left cheek is all bruised, also my tongue and lips. I cannot open my mouth too far and they had to put something to make it open wider grrrrrrr.

Marvin is doing pretty good lately, he goes out in the garden and moves the hoses around and waters the lawn and sits with Lulu. We had an automatic garage door opener, because it was hard for us to lift the door manually, so much easier now :)   We also had a new garbage disposal installed, the old one had rusted and I found myself moping water in the kitchen one morning!

My tomatoes are done for the year, it was a pretty small crop. The tomatoes never sized, they were cherry tomato size. I think it may have been because the weather has been so hot. The peppers  are doing better.

Marvin went to the optometrist to get some glasses made, one for close and one for far. The insurance covered frames and lenses. Now, we both have exactly the same insurance, matter of fact, it is my insurance from the school which now is deducted from my retirement. However,  this same insurance, will not pay for my glasses! Go figure.

Talking about insurance, I read Mia's comments on going to the ER etc. That is what you get when you get socialized medicine. Just saying.

I have been trying to get rid of stuff, the other day I decided to sort my shoes. I got rid of 14 pairs some of them I had hardly worn at all, so they'll go to Goodwill. I am about to do the same with clothes, I have way too many things I haven't worn for years, time to get rid of them.
Norbert got back from his extended trip  to Hungary, Croatia, and France. He said he had a good time visiting with his brothers and siter, and meeting old friends. He went to see the town were he was born, and he said it is a dead town now, everybody left, his father's vineyards are now sunflower fields. But all in all he enjoyed the trip, especially Lourdes.

By the Danube River.
So that's about all for tonight. I am about to watch a movie, then take a Motrin and go to sleep.
Have a great week everybody!

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