Thursday, November 1, 2007

7 no particular order

7 things I plan to do before I die:

1. Go back to Barcelona
2. See T graduate from college (match)!
3. Have a graphics website that would generate income
4. Win the lottery
5. Have lots of fun
6. Bring my sisters together
7. Hold my great grand kid :)

7 Things I can do:

1. Spend hours in the computer
2. read for enjoyment
3. teach little children
4. have fun on my own
5. visit Sweden
6. love my family & friends
7. appreciate what I have

7 Things I can’t do:

1. Not cry when upset, frustrated or angry (match)!
2. be proficient at any sport
3. keep my mouth shut
4. Stick to a diet
5. Go back in time
6. Making simple decisions
7. Meet my online friends

7 Things that attract me to people

1. sense of humor
2. intelligence
3. creativity
4. optimism
5. lack of pretension
6. loyalty
7. acceptance of who I am. The good and the bad.

7 Things I say the most

1. goofy
2. sweetie
3. shit
4. hola
5. damn
6. really?
7. hey

7 Celebrity crushes

1. Trent Reznor
2. Eminem
3. James Dean
4. Young Elvis
5. Ben Affleck
6. Jude Law
7. Beckham


emtes said...

I love your blog Jo and I hope to read more.
Among your "7 things...." I especially loved the one where you said you are going to Sweden!
When are you coming?
You know you have an open invitation to come anytime you want. You can combine that with going to Barcelona and bring your sisters together. There you go - 3 things on your list at once :-)
Love your sis Mia

lizzie said...

you did a great job, and Mia's idea sounds perfect!

RedRed said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I loved your list...