Tuesday, September 29, 2020

September days

 There's still fires going on in California. But the weather is starting to feel like Fall. It's not as hot although we've had 100F weather a few days. Is very pleasant in the evenings. 

I just was reading Instagram, and one of the people that I befriended when we were doing the August IG challenge asked me if I wanted to participate in an October challenge (I don't know who started this one) but the title is MINDFUL IN THE GARDEN, and because my garden and gardening is something that I like to do and take pictures of, I'm going to do it. Here's the challenge if any of you want to play along :)

It will give me something to do, right? :)

Tomorrow is "my" shopping day at Trader Joe's. I enjoy shopping there, is clean and has cool stuff and it's easy to keep the distance to other customers in these pandemic days. Because is Fall, it's all about pumpkin in its many different varieties. I don't like pumpkin although one of my favorite things to eat are ensaimada rellena de cabello de angel. My daughters take joy in reminding me that cabello de angel is the "hair" inside the pumpkins, ew!

Some information...Cabello de ángel is a transparent threaded jam made from Siam pumpkin pulp and white sugar. It originated in Mallorca. There are even easy recipes to make cabello de angel with the fibers of the more common spaghetti squash lol

Siam pumpkin

Stay safe and positive, and remember I love you all very much :)

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