Thursday, January 31, 2019

January Recap

January 3rd  was a year since Marvin's death. I didn't want to be alone on that day so I called Jennifer and we went to Porto's for some goodies, and to find out what is going on with her.
The month of January was very rainy, for Southern California, so I stayed home a lot and cleaned and organized. I also did some clothes shopping.
I had a mammography -no results yet- and went to my doctor for a check up.
Lizzie went back to SD on the first and came back for a long weekend on the 19th.  Had a nice dinner at Cha Cha's. Sandy has been busy getting ready for her big vacation to Asia next month.
I went to HB a couple of times and Norbert has been up to LM a couple times as well, we have gone to some nice restaurants.

I gave up my landline phone and use the iPhone now. No more telemarketers for now! I talk to my daughters on Mondays and that's always fun, and Norbert calls all the time.

                 Because of the rain, I have watched a lot of movies this month.

And read a few books as well


RedRed said...

I like the movie Chef.

josefa wann said...

I saw the US Chef, this is the Indian version :)