Saturday, July 7, 2018

Crazy heat

This week the heat has kept on climbing and climbing. It has broken records, especially on Thursday and Friday (the high was 120F). Today even though it still reached 100 it has been a tiny bit cooler.

Lulu refused to go out all day Thursday and Friday, I had to pull her with the leash and carry her to the grass so she could at least pee outside. The sidewalks and streets were too hot for her paws, and she was  panting, after all like Lizzie said, she wears a fur coat (glad I had her trimmed lately).

She of course has been drinking a lot of water as have I. Thursday was Independence Day and it was fairly nice, I made some tacos and guacamole and had a couple of beers, then Amy asked me over, she had family visiting, and they had hamburgers and hot dogs and salads, I just had another beer. Then  they had some fireworks in the street. Lulu doesn't mind the noise but doesn't like to look at them. Later I went to the Jacuzzi, I have it at 95 degrees and it was super pleasant.

Thursday and Friday I became a total hermit. I had all the drapes a closed, and the AC on, I slept in the reclining chair in the living room  with Lulu next to me, which is the coolest room in the house. I didn't cook , just had leftovers and strawberry ice cream.

Today i had to go get some water, and I also went to the library. The La Mirada Library is a "coolin" place for the City. They had a table with bottles of water you could take. I took one. Then I went to the grocery store to get water and a couple of other things.

Tonight  it was cooler so  Lulu and I stayed outside for a little while, and I washed the car just with water, to take the dust off, then we went inside. Lulu has been very clingy lately so I played with her, and then I gave her some treats while I was at the computer. She was very quiet laying close to me, when I started feeling something cold reaching my bare feet....I had forgotten about the bottle of water that I had put in my book bag!!! she got it out and chewed on it and all the water spilled all over the floor of my computer/TV area! Grrrrrr

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

haha, Lulu loves those water bottles!