Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Day

I hope all my readers had a nice 4th of July weekend!

Lizzie came on Friday and left Monday around noon. It was good to have her spend a few days with us. She brought us some mini bundt cakes too.

We had a pleasant quiet holiday, On Saturday, she drove Marv to dialysis and then we had lunch at a sandwich place that was a little unexpected. For dinner we had lecso. She also picked up all the oranges in the tree, and took some tomatoes when she left :)

Sunday she and Marv went to get breakfast and also do a little shopping. We decided to have Mexican food for dinner so we ordered carnitas from the Mexican supermarket in Valley View. We had the full meal, carnitas, refried beans, rice, salsa, tortillas and onions and cilantro. It was good and I didn't have to cook!

Monday morning I cooked waffles and bacon, and Lizzie left shortly after noon.

In the afternoon, for some unknown reason I decided to clean the hallway linen closet. I get emails from a site called Home Storage Solutions, and this week's challenge was to organize the linen closet:

A good rule of thumb for bath linens is to keep two complete sets, which include a bath and hand towel, along with a wash cloth, for each family member, and an additional two sets (at least) for use by guests.
For bedroom linens the rule of thumb is two sets of sheets (which include fitted and top sheet, and pillowcases) for each bed and guest bed in your home.

I got rid of a lot of sheets and towels that were showing their age, and gained a lot of space. I also got rid of my old shoeshine box (I never use it anymore). 

And in case you want to check Home Storage Solutions, here's the web site:

At night Lulu and I went outside to see the neighborhood fireworks, the noise and lights don't seem to bother her too much, but we didn't stay out too long.

Another thing I did was to watch a movie "Me Before You". I read the book and I really liked it, I think I gave it 5 stars. I thought the movie was pretty faithful to the book and I liked the male lead, Sam Clafin , but it took me a while to warm up to the female lead Emilia Clarke, she has extremely wiggly eyebrows and it was distracting to me.

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