Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mothers and Daughters

Today was a pretty quiet day. It rained quite a bit yesterday but today it was cloudy and later it got sunny with big white fluffy clouds, the kind we do not see around here very much.

I texted with my girls a while, and saw pictures Sandy took of Tristan and his date and friends that were going to the senior prom :)  They all look wonderful and happy.

After dinner (Trader Joe's orange chicken) and Thai veggies, I decided to watch a movie.

I chose "Mothers and Daughters" given tomorrow is Mother's Day I thought it was fitting.  Mothers and Daughters is a 2016 film just released today. Originally it was called Mothers Day, but there's also a movie with that name (with Jennifer Anniston) also released this week. So they changed the title to "Mothers and Daughters" so as not to confuse people :)

It is one of those ensemble movies that are kind of interwoven, it was OK. It had  Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Courtney Cox and Mira Sorvino as the mothers. 

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