Thursday, December 31, 2015

need a new keyboard

my keyboard is giving up on me. i need to buy one tomorrow because..

...can't type capitals

...can't type te letter after g spase bar does not work

it all appened today.

i was going to write a recap of 2015 so i will do it tomorrow after i buy a new one. tings look funny witout capitals and wit tat letter missing.

tank you mia for te lovely flowers, so pretty.

asta mañana


emtes said...

Yes it did looka funny :-)
We are just 4 hours away from a new year so I will take the opportunity to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Hope you have a great evening :-) We have just dined here and are so full we just sit in the corner of the sofa relaxing and waiting for midnight :-)

Love you <3

Kteach said...

UI am now 1hr and a half away from 2016 and you already next year lol Time is strange :)
Have a wonderful 2016 Mia and family!

Bought me a keyboard today :)