Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day recap

. Christmas day was a very warm day, people were wearing shorts and tank tops. I'd rather it was a little cooler, but I take this over the horrible weather they are having in the East coast and many other parts of the world.

Lizzie and Jeff came home around10, and opened their Christmas stockings. Then Sandy called to wish us a Merry Christmas. Both girls like to do Christmas stocking, I did them when they were little, but Marvin and I never did, unless some years Sandy made one for us.

After that we opened our gifts. I'm just going to write about what I got. From Sandy, I got my pastries, which they delivered early and therefore were already eaten, yum!, and the yearly calendar. I love that. From Lizzie, I got an Internet address and password logbook, which is great because I have pw and  URL's all over the place and is nice now to have them all together. I also go a box of Godiva chocolates, which I didn't share ;) , and a lovely bookbag from Barnes and Noble which I have already used today to go to the library (Lizzie said taking my books back to the library in plastic grocery bags was ghetto lol). I was very pleased with all my gifts.

Then I went to make breakfast, waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs. It was nice to be together Christmas morning, and of course we missed the Thompson's but I'm sure they were having a good time in Pocatello as wll :)

After Lizzie and Jeff left back to San Diego, I started making my catalan Christmas soup. It basically takes all day. It has chicken, beef, marrow bones and a slew of veggies. The best part for me was gettin to eat the marrow (Lulu got the bone). I remember when Nuri and I were young, we used to fight over who would eat the marrow. It got pretty nasty. My grandmother (yaya) sat in a chair complaining she never got to have any! Awwww.

I thought the end result tasted very good and it brought back some memories of home.

It was a very good Christmas :)

1 comment:

emtes said...

Very nice day by the sound of it :-)
And the photo of you are very good. You look so happy which I love.
Marvin also looks very good, healthier than he has for a long time Good to see. Jeff and Lizze also looks good and happy.
Love when you take these photos. I also saw the one with Marvin and his siblings. Great to see them all.
If you talk to them be sure to say hi from me.
Besos and much love from your sis
Mia :-)