Thursday, October 3, 2013

Routine follow up

Not a lot of feedback yet, but I read what Mia suggested...

I am not a joiner. I don't like to belong to groups, associations etc. I never joined any teachers associations, they asked me to joing a retired teachers group, but no thank you! I could join dialysis groups, caretakers groups etc. No way!
When I was teaching we had Kindergarten teachers get together to develop curriculum, etc. I did not like that either. I spent the time doodling and throwing paper airplanes. I get easily distracted and bored.

I like to be with people when we get together for Happy Hour, or in somebody's house for drinks and talk etc. I like parties. Fun things.

The City of La Mirada offer  computer classes, painting/music classes etc. Mainly for retired people. I went and checked some of them, and  I just don't care to be in classes with old people. Even though some of them are younger than me. I jsut don't have much in common with them. I am not interested.

So I guess, I will keep on doing what I'm doing until I get some more ideas or something comes up :)

Today I took Lulu for  a 45 minutes walk around the neighborhood, and yes, I got semi lost, all the streets look the same. I remember my father getting lost when he went for a walk, I can understand why. Lulu was exhausted when we got home!

Tomorrow Marvin and I will go to Alpine Village in Torrance for lunch. He's been wanting to eat  German food, we like the pate and thge bread, I love the wiener schnitzel. I will also stop at the bakery and get a german cheesecake. Of course, it being Octoberfest, I will have a beer.

This weekend Lizzie will be here, it will be nice :)


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