Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oscar movies

This year I have seen a couple of Oscar nominated movies. "Midnight in Paris" by Woody Allen, was quirky and entertaining. I like most of his movies with a few exceptions.

 And I just finished watching "The Descendants". It was a good movie, although quite dramatic. George Clooney is well deserving of a nomination as best actor. I enjoyed the movie although usually I don't like dramas.

 I will see "The Help" maybe tomorrow, and although I am not crazy about baseball I may watch "Moneyball", Brad Pitt is also nominated for best actor and I like him.

 I don't think I'll watch "War Horse" or "Hugo" but I would like to see "The Artist" and maybe "The Tree of Life". The last nomination is "Extremely loud and incredibly close" and I am not sure about this one either.

 May the best movie win.

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