Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A day in January

Woke up at 6:30 AM, went to check on Lulu, she was awake and happy to see me. I fed her and play with her a little.

 Had breakfast, clean the kitchen, wash clothes.

 Got ready to go visit Marvin at the hospital. Yes, again another abscess :(

 Stopped by Target to look for a kennel for Lulu. Realized I forgot my wallet in another purse.

 Went to ICU room 2328, Marvin was doing well, feeling pretty good now that the abscess had been drained. We matched "The Price is Right" and talked some. He is going to be transferred to the 6th floor room 6107, later today.

 Went back home. Let Lulu out and she was again very excited to see me. Luz, my next door neighbor, brought me a container of chicken soup she had just made, so nice of her.

 Outside with Lulu, turned the water on in the front yard. Lulu was curious about it, kept getting closer to the sprinklers, ran back to me yelping when she got a little wet.

 To the Pet shop to get a brush for Lulu, some treats, and a chewy bone. She LOVES it!

 Marvin called to say he was in his new room. Lizzie called to see what was going on.

 Norbert came over to take the Christmas lights down. He also put the registration sticker on the SSR. He played with Lulu, she was a little wary at first but finally warmed up to him a little. She kept running back to me. He said she was a cutie and exactly the kind of dog he thought I should have got.

 Went to El Torito. Had Don Pepe fajitas and a Cadillac Margarita. YUM.

 Back home. Called Marvin and wished him a good night. Played with Lulu, she's tired and fell sleep on my lap while I was reading "Sleepless Nights" by Sarah Bilston.

 Played Words with Friends in the computer, checked Facebook, read the friends and family blogs. And now I am writing this. Watching The People's Choice Awards.

 And then, bedtime. I am tired :) Good Night

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