Saturday morning, Marvin and I went to see the family at their cabin where they were staying. It was a big cabin, really nice. We got directions to the wedding venue and went back to our Inn.
The wedding was outdoors, by the lake shore, at 3:00PM, it was a gorgeous day, a little breezy with wonderful clear blue sky.
There were his and her families and LOTS of friends. 6 bridesmaids and 6 groomsmen, plus best man and maid of honor. The colors were red and black and leopard print. The girls had red dresses with a leopard sash and leopard platform shoes. the boys wore black pants, red vests, leopard print ties, and red tennis shoes. David was one of the groomsmen, Iris was supposed to be one of the bridesmaids, but she didn't come. Rick wore the same but his vest was cream colored and his tennis shoes were black, Christina wore an off white short dress with a short veil.
The ceremony was performed by the bride's grandfather. It was a nice ceremony. Rick was escorted by Bettie, and the bride arrived in an old car of Rick's driven by Lee. Her mother was waiting, and she walked her down the aisle (Christina's father was very ill and couldn't be at the wedding).
After repeating the vows, exchanging rings, and having the first kiss, they walked back to the car and they left. Everybody stayed around talking until they got back after having some pictures taken, and then it was family picture time.
Afterwards we all went back to our rooms, Marvin and I had a snack and then at 5:30 we went to the reception which was right across from the Inn where we were staying. There were about 175 people at the reception, it was fun because our table (Marvin and I, Mary and Dewey, and Marilyn and her husband) was right in front of the bridal table. I don't know who made the arrangements but it suited me fine as I had plenty of chances to take pictures and also we were the first to be called to eat -we went by table to the buffet :)
The buffet, with servers, had a choice of tri tip steak or chicken with basil . green beans, mashed potatoes, salad and rolls. Marvin and I chose the chicken. It was tasty. They had a bar but you had to buy your drinks, water and pomegranate juice were at the tables.
After we all ate, there was dancing, and the cutting of the cake. All in all it was a nice wedding, they looked very happy and were very affectionate with each other. Rick's and Christina's friends were rowdy and tattooed, we all had fun!
I will post the wedding album in Facebook.
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