I have always love surfing, the surfers, the boards, the whole surfing culture has always been very appealing to me. My favorite surfing movie is "Endless Summer", I loved it.
Well...Marvin and I went to Huntington Beach today, went to the beach for a while, and then we stopped in Main Street to get a fish taco and Maui onion rings. We decided to eat while watching the sunset at the pier.
We saw a crowd of people lining up by the pier plaza, many of them carrying surfboards. And there, signing them, were the director of Endless Summer Bruce Brown, with the stars of the movie, and also the original Ruby, yes there is a Ruby, her son started the restaurant chain and named them after her.
I, of course, went right to the front to snap a couple of pictures. It was a bit of a shock to see them as they are now, that is, they are my age lol, but it was also very cool. After the sunset, they showed the movie in a giant screen in the outdoors amphitheater, I would have stayed but it was getting pretty cool and lots fo people,so we left.
And of course, the sunset was awesome!!!!!
Loved the sunset :-)
Have a great weekend. Love you <3
Good story and great sunset pic!
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