Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My take on the Corona Virus

I think for the most part I am a very positive person. When we started to hear about the virus, I was not too worried, I had a ...this too will pass...attitude.

I am more worried now, especially because I am in the most vulnerable group, that is over 70 and with diabetes (even though is controlled).  March 11 was the last day I went out, to the Library, Credit Union and Trader Joe's. Since then I have been at home, only going out at 8PM with Lizzie to walk Lulu up and down the street.

For me things haven't changed much, because I like to be in the computer, watching TV and sleeping late. But it's different when you know you shouldn't go out, then I feel like going to the store or out to eat etc.

The last couple of days things have changed even more. Restaurants, bars, stores, businesses etc have closed down. They are advising people to stay home especially those of us that are more vulnerable. You shouldn't be with  more than 10 people at a time. Also the supermarkets are almost out of everything because people have panicked and gone in hoarding mode. Lizzie went on Sunday to about 5 different stores and didn't get some of the stuff we wanted, like water, paper goods (why do people hoard so much TP?) but she got some deli stuff and bread, so we're good for a while.

Lizzie and I will check tomorrow into getting water at home monthly from Arrowhead (I hope they still do it) and try to get more stuff online although even Amazon seems to be out of the basics.
My friend Jennifer  came by last night (sorry I missed our phone call Sandy) she brought some water, wipes, Purell type stuff etc. Was very nice of her. She's now not working since schools are closed.

It's happening all over the world. I have messaged with Mia and with Sonia, and my cousins Ferran and Franc. Spain is basically in lockdown, Sweden had no problems for a while so now they are hurrying to get things in place. Travel is practically to a stand still in many countries, either coming or going.

I just hope with the better weather maybe things will slow down a bit, but in some parts of the world is already good weather and still having problems. I am not even talking about the economy...what a mess.

I wish all governments of the world, all heads of state, presidents, royals etc would unite for the common cause and put all resources into finding a vaccine or ways to cope  with this endemia.

To family and friends that may be reading this post: Follow the rules, stay at home if you can, don't panic. Take this time to read, be with your loved ones and let's all hope for the best.

And like Sandy says at the end of her posts, wash your hands.



Lizzie said...

I love you, Mama!

RedRed said...

Love you!

swedish-spanish rockmom said...

Love you and hope this will be over sooner than later.
Thinking of you and here we are staying in both me and Hasse.
Puss och kram