Sunday, July 21, 2019


Even before Lizzie moved to La Mirada, I have been trying to cull my stuff. I donated a lot of clothes to Goodwill, books,  shoes, towels, odd and ends from the kitchen area etc. I wish I had taken before and after pictures!

I wanted to make room so Lizzie could bring her stuff, I emptied the bathroom, the closet etc. What I wanted to keep I put in boxes and  stored them in the shed and garage.

She came and brought several boxes of her things, some she left in her bedroom, some in the office and  some in the garage.

Then we started  culling and tidying the washroom and closet, then the kitchen. We basically emptied everything and threw away half empty  and past the date stuff. Both cleaning supplies and food supplies. We also went thru  kitchen things and found we had some double up, for instance 2 toasters, some pans, etc.  So again we threw away some things, and donated others. I have to admit it was a little hard to get rid of some unnecessary stuff that I had had forever, but I did it!  Lizzie is very good at organizing and tidying, so I let her put things away and when she called me to check where everything was located, I was surprised to see how much more space there was, and how neat everything looked. Now things are where they are supposed to be, all together and easy to find.  Before if I wanted a can of tuna for instance, I looked in the pantry, in the drawers, in the cabinet, until I found one here and one there, now things are organized :)

She had taken care of all the boxes in her room and got everything in place, and today she brought in all her boxes from the garage to her room, and by the end of the day everything was in place, some in her room and some in the shed.!!!

Now what's left are my boxes :D  I also want to go thru the shed and get rid and organize some of the things there. I think it will take me a lot longer than it took Lizzie. I get attached to things and as I said before sometimes is hard to get rid of things that have been around for a long time and have some memories for me.

The weather has been very nice and we may go to the beach tomorrow and rest and relax a little.


RedRed said...

Well done!!

emtes said...

That is so good of you (both) We are trying to do the same here but since neither of us is in good shape it takes forever and doesn't show :-(
We are planning on moving to an apartment and before that we REALLY have to throw things away, or donate to charity.
But as you say it's hard because some things you are so attached to and have memories with. How do you do that? Here in Sweden it's very popular now to do "death cleaning" as it's called. To throw away so your children won't have to do that once you're gone.
Take care and take your time. When you start looking at all those things in boxes memories come back and at least me and Hasse start talking about them - that's why it takes time as well :-)
Love you