Saturday, May 26, 2018

Aches and pains

I retired from teaching in 2011. Marvin was already not feeling well so I became in fact his care taker. For 6 years (with the exceptions when Lizzie was here, and Sandy when she came to visit) I took him to his doctor's appointment, to the ER, to rehab, but mostly I took him 3 times a week to dialysis. I never missed a day and I always was in time to pick him up, I felt sad for people that had to wait for transportation sometimes for an hour or more.

The one thing I was thankful for is that I felt pretty good health wise , sure some days I had a cold or a headache but I didn't complain because it sounded petty compared to what he had to go through. There were a few exceptions when I felt pretty sick. Once I caught the flu pretty badly it lasted about a week to 10 days. I had a fever, runny nose and eyes, sore throat etc. I took to wear a mask at home, especially during colostomy time so as not to pass my flu to him. Another time last year when I twisted my leg and ended up with a lot of pain for about 2 weeks. I did complain a little, but again, is hard to complain when he  was going thru so much. I knew Lizzie but come over if I needed her, but I she was already doing enough.  Some times my pain was not so much physical as it was in my head, I had a few mini meltdowns (and a fairly large one).

By the way, other than his colostomy, when he felt good he did a lot for himself. I was glad when he felt good enough to walk without a cane, or walker, when he could go to the store, and drive.  Last year he had so many more health issues, breaking his hip among them, and he never quite recovered.

After Marvin died, I found myself with time in my hands, my daily routine was gone, I didn't have to wake up at night several times to change him, or to talk take care of his wounds, or talk to him, and comfort him.  I didn't have to cook for him or take him to dialysis, etc. 

I lost some weight and my diabetes is in control, I felt really good, and sometimes I forget that I am getting old (or I'm already old I should say) and try to do things that I shouldn't be doing.

Which brings me to this week.  N came Sunday to clean the Jacuzzi and do a couple of things around the house and garage. I started moving things around in the garage, mainly The Gazelle because I wanted to exercise a little everyday. That machine is heavy, and I kept pushing it closer to the garage door, N told me to stop it that he would do it, but hey I was all, I can do it, and I did it.

On Wednesday  I had a retirement party to go to at Jersey. I was looking forward to it. Tuesday night I went to bed and my right leg started hurting, not a little pain, it was really hurting. I couldn't find a comfortable place to rest my leg. I put some ice on my knee and took a Motrin 800, but was restless, in pain and unable to sleep. I had to call Jersey and say I couldn't make it.. I tried to make a doctor's appointment but my doctor didn't have an opening until July. Thursday I spent almost all day in bed or laying on Marv's chair, with Motrin every 6 hours, and Diclofenac ointment 3 times a day (super strong pain reliever).  Friday I was going to get some groceries since I was out of just about everything, I was using Marv's cane around the house but I was scared I would fall if I went out and my knee area was hot to the touch and very painful still.

Today I made an appointment with another doctor (June 5 at 9AM). I have been following the R.I.C.E and still taking my Motrin and using the ointment. It felt a little better than the previous days, so I did go to get me a chicken at Juan Pollo. 

I think is either tendinitis, or osteoarthritis , I will let you know....but it sure was painful!


RedRed said...

Mom, I am sorry you are in so much pain. If it continues to be red and hot, I think a trip to the ER might be the best thing for you. :/

Kteach said...

Is feeling better today. It was never red, just hot and painful.