Sunday, March 5, 2017

My why

I read Sandy's post about weight. Gaining and losing.  I saw M's comment and Lizzie's comment. So I will write what I think about it.

I was a chubby baby, but during my growing up years and looking at pictures I was just a regular size, neither fat or skinny.

As a teen I was pretty thin, had a tiny waist and I usually didn't wear a bra until I was about 17-18.
Then I filled up a little, just a little rounder but still thin. I was never on a diet, I walked a lot, I was always busy and I ate at regular hours, I can't remember having snacks in between meals. Just light breakfast, big lunch, and light dinner. My father was rather portly as he got older, but my mother always weighed the same, if she gained a kilo she would eat less until she lost the kilo. She always weighed 130 lbs.

Then I got married and came to the US. My meals hours changed drastically. Even though I didn't drive, I didn't walk very much either. When Marv went to work I stayed home, watch TV and snacked a lot. I discovered fast food (George's Orange), I also  ate at my in laws a few days a month, and they always had a lot of food around, and pies, and cookies.  I put on some weight  but my way of transportation was my bike so at least I did some exercise.

When I got pregnant with Sandy, of course I put on weight, that was way before google and smart phones. My family was in Spain, so I really didn't know much about how much weight to gain etc. so after she was born I joined a group called TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I found myself the thinner one in the group, so I didn't have a lot of motivation to lose weight since everybody in the group was wondering why I was even there. If you gained weight in your weekly weigh in they gave you a big ceramic pig to display in your front yard! If you lost weight, once a month when we'd go out to have dinner as a group, and  they would pay for your meal.

Then we moved to Idaho and I was pretty bored there since I didn't know anybody and there was nothing much to do, so I gained some more weight when I got pregnant with Lizzie. I wasn't fat but I was borderline. Little by little I gained weight, but it really didn't bother me too much.

But the times we took a vacation to Spain, that's when I realized I had put weight and was fat. . At least according to my mother and my sister Nuri. It was upsetting to me that they always talked about how heavy I was and how nice and thin I used to be. Oh well.

So I went to ISU and got my teaching degree. I  knew I was heavier than I had been. I have started diets but never followed therm for any amount of time.

Back in California, I think I was at my heaviest, but it has never bothered  me that much. I basically only  really noticed I was fat when I saw pictures of myself. I have to admit I liked being thinner than fatter, but I have not a lot of will power when it comes to watching what I eat and what I eat.

I lost a lot of weight when I was diagnosed  with diabetes. I think drinking 5-6 Pepsis a day might have had something to do with it, And here I am now, older but not wiser when it comes to eating. I still enjoy eating, just don't eat as much as I used to. I know I need to stay away from too many sweets, and I need to exercise, at least walking Lulu around the block, but I am also lazy and spend a good amount of time just sitting reading, or in the computer.

Now the weather is nice and Spring is my favorite season, so I will try to go walking with Lulu daily :)

PS I would put some pictures but they come sideways and it annoys me!


RedRed said...

Thank you for sharing! I love you!

Lizzie said...

I think because you never thought much about your own weight (until we went to Spain, I guess) helped me have a fairly positive body image growing up, even though I always thought I was a bit heavier than I should be. Silly me, I was just fine. And I'm just fine now, too. :)

Pappy1 said...

You have always looked great to me. Over the years we all change, but you are still the girl I fell in love with.