Monday, March 27, 2017

Flowers, veggies, herbs...

I love Spring, it's my favorite season. This year because of the rain, everything looks green and flowers are blooming, and is just beautiful!

I wish we could go see the wild flowers blooming in the California desert, or mountains, I read is one of the best years to see them

I have been buying  flowers, and herbs and vegetables, and planted them around the fountain, Bending down and carrying stepping stones, and digging holes made my body pretty sore, I guess I'm not use to physical labor so much. So I was thinking it would be easier for me to be abkle to plant stuff on a raised surface, I talked to Marv about it, we discussed how he could build one of those raised beds easily when he was a few years younger, b\ he build a lot of things for the garden in front and in the backyard, but now it gets a little harder.  So I looked online and found a good raised planter. At first I was thinking of a 2x8, but finally I decided to start slow and  will be getting a 2x4

I will plant tomatoes, peppers hot and sweet, beans, onions, and some herbs. It won't hurt my back and I can just put it wherever I want (I think next to the shed).. I will take pictures and give updates. I'm pleased with the purchase :)


RedRed said...

Good idea!

emtes said...

Sounds great! Looking forward to photos :-)