Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Getting fit

Today I went ahead and bought a Fitbit One. http://www.fitbit.com/ca/one
I hope it will help me (or shame me) to do some exercise . I always keep putting exercise in the back burner, so to speak. But after I had that health scare, which luckily came to nothing :) I decided I need to take better care of myself and my health.

I am drinking a lot of water and I have been taking Lulu for little walks around the block and we both enjoy it, I want to do a little Gazelle too, but haven't started it yet.

I also need to pay more attention to my diet. Even though I am diabetic, I haven't done any kind of diabetic diet and pretty much eat everything I want. I love chocolate too! I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to count points etc, so I will just try to eat smaller portions or something like that. Wednesday I have a Dr's appointment. I have a bunch of questions to ask him.

Today I went to Costco and got a 3TB external HD, Marvin wanted one to save Quicken and some pictures. After checking his hard drive we decided he didn't need so much space, so I gave him one of my 3 external HD (500GB's) and kept the 3TB's for myself. It'll be full in no time :)

The weather as usual has been great, it cools very nicely in the evening. Our hanging tomatoes are doing very well, I thiunk is my favorite way to grow them. Hopefully the little rodents won't get to them.

Today is my sister Nuri's 74th Birthday. We have not been in touch for quite a long time, although I hear about her and the rest of the family through Sonia.

PS Why the.#$@%  it's so hard to open those dumb plastic cartons that surround the miniature fitbit? and not even a little card with directions inside on how it works? grrrr I guess I have to go online and set it up/learn about it!

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