Friday, June 7, 2013


Wednesday night I didn't go to sleep till about 4 AM. I had a cricket in my room! I closed the door and went after it and it kept on  jumping and crawling on the bed, and hiding...there's no way in hell i could sleep with that bug around. Finally i thought I got it with my show, and sighed with relief, but noooooooooooooooo! he was just playing dead. Finally after several attacks I got it and  grind it under my shoe for xtra measure. Of course then I had to change the sheets and shake the covers, and even so it took me a long while to fall sleep.

The next day I took Marvin to dialysis, and then I drove to Sam's to get gas. Then I went to Sam's to get some protein bars and some kettle corn. I still had to go to Stater to buy groceries, but thought maybe I would go nap first.

So I drive down Beach Boulevard, and make a right turn to Rosecrans. Thru my rear view mirror I see a motorcycle cop with lights flashing and I pull over, thinking he is after someone...and he sure was...ME!!!!!

He parks the motorcycle right in front of the pickup, comes to my window and asks for my license, he also asked my what year was the truck, of course I had no idea at the moment. I politely asked him if my license was expired or something since I had no idea why he stopped me. He made a right turn on a red light without making a FULL stop!  I said..I beg to differ...he said "Huh"? and wrote me a ticket.

I can't honestly remember if I made a full stop or not (when Marvin heard about it he said, it had to happen). But what i know is I looked to see if there were no cars coming and it was safe to turn.

Anyway. This is going to cost me  a minimum of $450.00 !!!!! in 2011 the State of California raised all traffic fines to all time highs. The highest in the US, and probably the world!

So this is my story. I am p.o. I didn't ran a red light, I just maybe didn't stay stopped long enough to make that $#%policeman happy. I've been told to be careful in La Mirada, because is swarming with motorcycle police.  It was a motorcycle policeman that gave me a ticket in La Mirada Blvd for tailgating years ago. Sigh.

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