I didn't know this month was a NaBloPoMo month. I know Sandy wrote it on her post, so I googled it and sure enough it is! Well I don't think I'll write every day since I already missed 2 days. But I will try to write at least once or twice a week.
I started the year by getting sick. I think it was the flu, but maybe it was just a bad cold. Some fever, a lot of coughing, headache and body aches. Fortunately I feel better today.
We had invited Norbert to spend New Year dinner with us. I was not feeling great but I had things all bought and semi prepared so I fixed the meal. We had some appetizers for starters, then wedges of iceberg lettuce with blue cheese dressing and bacon sprinkles, potatoes au gratin, broccoli, and fillet mignon. For dessert we had a Napoleon pastry, and turron.
While I was preparing the meal, Norbert took the Christmas lights down. I didn't eat very much and strangely enough, we didn't open a bottle of champagne (was going to open the one Mia sent). We just had water :)
By the way, the night before, New Year's Eve, Marvin and I we both stayed up and had some wine to toast the New Year. I was starting to feel a little off so I didn't go to the Jacuzzi as I had planned, did that the day before, maybe is when I caught a cold!
Yesterday I was in bed most of the day, and today I too Marvin to dialysis and just rested some more. Tomorrow Bettie and Lee are coming over to visit, and Lizzie will be here to spend the weekend.
I am not making any resolutions for the year other than to take things a day at a time, to enjoy each day as much as possible. And to insert some more energy in all its aspects into my life!
The NaBloPoMo theme this month is ENERGY
a : dynamic quality
1 comment:
I'm so glad you're feeling better! And I do enjoy the fact that you have NaBloPoMo month because it gives me a chance to read about your day-to-day activities :-)
Take care now and drink that champagne today or tomorrow instead and really enjoy it (it's a good champagne, I love it) because of Epiphany :-)
Love you <3
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