Monday, January 21, 2013

Back to Work

Last Thursday, Jersey School's Secretary called me to ask if I could sub for Kindergarten on Friday. I had been planning to go and have lunch with Jennifer anyway, so I said OK.

This is the first time I subbed this school year with 31 children. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many! This is what I missed...NOT
This is Kindergarten 201, where I began my teaching. Then  after a few years I moved to room 202. Ms. Lleonart is now teaching in #201.

The children were OK, a little rambuctious but in general they were pretty well behaved and good listeners. The Principal told me they were the better class, the worse one being Jennifer's. She has most of the problem kids.

At the end of the day, the kids told me I was a fun teacher and when I was coming back? :) I also met some of the parents, some of which I knew from other years, and they asked me if I had come back for good to teaching and were disappointed when I said I was just subbing.

Here's a picture of 2 K teachers, Jennifer and Norma in the playground.. I have of course worked with both for many years. 

And of course, my plaque is still above the water fountain in the playground :)

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