Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Recap

July has been a good month. Is the first month since Marvin got sick, that we have not had any emergencies or setbacks :)
It was also the first time in over a year that Marvin drove to go to the store.

We had Tristan come over to visit for a week, and it was great to have him here. Sandy and Lizzie also came that weekend, it was good to be all together.

I had a hearing test and found out that even though I can hear "normally" I cannot hear certain sounds in 2 and 3 syllable words, therefore I say "huh?" a lot. So now you know why!

Lulu graduated from dog training 101 but she didn't get a certificate :(
but she's doing better. She also got a puppy haircut and looks cute.
She loves to play outside in the sprinkler, we have fun watching her!

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