Yesterday I went to the dentist again to get my crown, and also got another one. sigh. Then today I went to my regular doctor for a physical, i had not had one for a while.
He reviewed my diabetes lab tests and everything seems to be OK, my triglycerides are a little high, but the rest is good, including cholesterol. I have also lost some weight so he was happy about it. I also had a tetanus/whooping cough shot. My arm is very sore!
He also froze a couple of things on my face, nothing major just I thought it was ugly. :)
I also drove around Huntington Beach because they are having the US Open of surfing (I asked Tristan if he wanted to go and he said maybe but not today). It was FULL of people, no place to park, they are also having Xgames, so it was very busy.
At home in the afternoon, Tristan helped me water the tomatoes and the plants, then we got silly with the hose and because it was hot and today was shower day, I told him it could take the place of a shower lol. He got very soaked, it was fun!!!
Happy to hear everything went well at the dentist and that all the results at the doctor were good!
Great job loosing weight as well!
I haven't :-(
Give Tristan and Marvin a hug from me and here's a big one for you <3
Glad all is well. When I saw the pic of Tristan with the hose, I wondered if that would take the place of a shower. heehee
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