Saturday, March 12, 2011

DST Tomorrow (US)

I know you all have heard so much about the earthquake and tsunami, but it is so awful and sad, it bears repeating. And it came on the heels of the earthquake in New Zealand. It makes you aware to be prepared for emergencies, since we live in earthquake country as well.
Saturday we went with Norbert to El Torito, he's leaving to Las Vegas next week to see his sister and to play with his toys :)
Today I went to a baby shower for my neighbors Amy and Jose, is their first baby. Amy has a sister in VA, and is not close to her parents, so it was mainly his family. They are the nicest couple, their baby is expected early may, they already named him Matthew. Jose's family is Mexican, and I had fun talking to all of them (Amy doesn't speak Spanish).
Marvin was not feeling very well today, his blood sugar was low and even though he ate it wouldn't go up, so he was feeling pretty tired most of the day. After dinner it went up so we are happy about it. I made churros tonight , from scratch, and they were good with hot chocolate.
Next week is report cards, lots of work lol. Monday we have a walking trip to the SFS library, then Monday I take off work and we'll go see the PD doctor, then on Friday is a field trip to the farm with the kindergarten classes. Fun!
And then on Saturday, my grandson officially becomes a teenager!!!!
Don't forget to spring forward, I think Sandy already did. I think in Europe it starts one week later.
Love you all.

1 comment:

emtes said...

So sorry to hear Marvin wasn't well. Good that you manage to get the bloodsuger up in the evening.
The churros looks good!
We change to "summertime", as it's called here, on March 27. Summer in March!! No way.
Hoping for a good Sunday for you both! Myself I'm having some girls over for Mary Key afternoon :-)
Hugs and lots of love Mia <3