Saturday, February 19, 2011

46th Anniversary

Today Marvin and I celebrated our 46th anniversary. It was a very nice day because we were surrounded by our 2 daughters and grandson. We sure enjoyed their company and are so happy we got to spend the day together.
It was a rainy, chilly, windy day. We had breakfast and lay around talking and enjoying each other, then we all went out to eat at Cha Cha's. It was fun. The girls took care of the bill, that was very nice and also gave us a grill pan that Marvin has been wanting and will really be a nice addition to our kitchen :)
At night the girls and I played Scrabble, and I made a pound cake, we also watched the All Star Basketball Saturday, we like the slam dunk portion of it.

In other news, I bought myself an iPad. So far Tristan, Sandy and Lizzie have played with it more than I have and I am sure they know a lot more than I do on how to run it, but I will learn and it's fun!

Marvin was feeling pretty good today and extra happy to be with the family!
Thank you all for making our Anniversary very special.

And happy birthday to Norbert on his 55th birthday too.

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