Monday, March 22, 2021

San Jose

 I was sure I had written one more post after I did the February recap, but either I am mistaken or my post is hovering in the ethernet.

February seemed to go by very quickly, but March seems to be dragging a bit. 

There has not been a lot going on, I got my second vaccine on a rainy day, and felt a bit poorly for a couple of days. The 19th was my grandson's 23rd birthday, it was also my name day. As I think I said before, while growing up, we celebrated our Saint day much more than birthdays. My grandmother named her oldest son Ricardo and that was the Saint of the day he was born, so he had a double celebration. Other than that, we only celebrated birthdays when we were little, after 5 or so it was only name days. San Jose, the 19th of March, was special because both my mother and I were named after San Jose, I was Maria Josefa, my mom was Pepita (a very common nickname of Jose) . My mother was only known as Josefa for documents etc, everybody else always called her Pepita, but my father called her Pita.  My daughters called her Mama Pepita.

Altar to San Jose in Mission San Juan de Capistrano

There's a children's song about the name Jose, so I'm going to write it:

Jose se llama el padre, Josefa la mujer, y un hijo que tenian tambien se llama llama el padre, Josefa la mujer....It's a never ending song, There's lots of Pepe's and Pepita's too.

San Jose is also Father's Day in Spain.  San Jose is a holiday, so all the family came to our house to celebrate. This is the typical dessert, crema catalana or crema de San Josep. Creme brulee is similar but of course is a copy of crema catalana.

Among Europe's oldest desserts, Catalan Cream dates back to at least the 14th century, the first time it appeared in print in the cookbook Llibre de Sent Soví, whereas the earliest known recipe for crème brûlée didn't appear until 1691 in Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois.

Mi mama y yo


RedRed said...

Happy Saint Day!

Lizzie said...

I like the fun fact about creme Catalana!