Thursday, July 23, 2020

A day in the life

With this pandemic going on and on, there's not much to tell since I have not gone anywhere since about March.  I want to tell my daughter S how much I enjoy and appreciate her writing in her blog, since we cannot be together it's a way to see what she's doing and how she's doing (feel better!) 

My days go like this: I wake up around 10:30 AM, I have breakfast usually chocolate milk and a cookie. I check my mail, read my book (yay I can get books at the Library now!), put things away in the kitchen etc.

L works from 8 to 10 in the office at home. After she's done  the 3 of us (Lulu) go in the backyard and take a slow walk around checking the plants, flowers etc. L usually waters them early in the morning. I love my herb area with rosemary, sage, mint, basil, thyme, lavender... We have many geraniums, and many pretty flowers. While we check the plants, Lulu runs around. It's very enjoyable. Then we go in the front yard and check the tomato vine, the zinnias, and the area by the white fence. Everything looks good. The crape myrtle is blooming and looks beautiful.

After that, we discuss the plans for the day, like what to have for lunch or dinner etc.  . We usually have take out at least once a week. We also have Blue Apron  about 3 times a week. Today it was a "free day" meaning we each do whatever we want to do foodwise. I had a brazo de gitano de atun (tuna cake) with fresh tomatoes from the garden. L had a chicken sandwich and chips.

After lunch, L goes to her room and does some of her stuff. I go to my room and do some PSP in my computer, while watching TV and reading. Doing some gardening etc. Sort of multitasking. Today I went to the library and got some new books, then drove around a little to see what was going on in La Mirada (nothing much) lol

Around 8PM we take Lulu for a walk around the block, she likes it and looks forward to it. So do we :)

For dinner I had a repeat of my lunch because I thought it was yummy and wanted more!

L goes to bed around 10:30 or so (she wakes up early and goes for a long walk most days.
I retreat to my room and watch TV shows or movies. Talk to N most days for about 1 hour too. I also watch webcams and spend quite a bit of time  "visiting" different countries of the world (it's interesting how things are changing in Europe from seeing empty streets/beaches/etc to seeing them full of people, especially the beaches. 

 I usually go to bed around 2:30-3 AM.  And so it goes.

I'm missing going to the beach


RedRed said...

I'm glad you wrote something. Even though you say you're not doing much, I like to hear from you.

swedish-spanish rockmom said...

Love reading your and S blogs. And as S said it doesn't matter if it isn't that much but just the daily routine now.
Isn't it lovely to have the garden to walk around in. And to sit outside just enjoying the garden, the weather and being healthy. We don't have half as much as you in our garden, mostly flowers and then raspberry bushes but they don't give so much berries since it's their first summer but still we get some to enjoy.,

But it's nice to be able to go out and sit in your garden. I think of all those who doesn't have that opportunity especially now during the pandemic. In your town it's mostly houses but here in Sweden the majority lives in high rised buildings with maybe a balcony but not in all cases.

Take care, love you all <3

Lizzie said...

nice summary!