Friday, May 1, 2020

April recap

WHAT A MONTH!  The Corona Virus has hit really hard in many parts of the world. Because of my age and having diabetes, I am in the most vulnerable group, so I have spent the whole month of April in confinement at home, only venturing outside to walk Lulu down the street. I am lucky that I have my daughter Lizzie living with me, she does the shopping about twice a month, and it's been so nice to have her here, to keep me company and to take care of me. And Lulu.
I don't really have a recap because basically every day is about the same:

I wake up usually around 10:30 AM, Lizzie  by then is back from her walk around the neighborhood, she's fed Lulu and taken her out, and now is reading a book and having breakfast.
After I have my breakfast, usually chocolate milk and a cookie or two, or Kringle if we have it, I turn on the computer and check my mail, Facebook, Instagram etc.
Later the three of us go to the backyard and do the rounds. Lizzie is getting good at checking the plants and notice which ones need watering, and we move things around if needed. We put a bird feeder in the tree at the back for instance. She also spent the whole month gathering oranges and making us fresh OJ every day!
Then is time for lunch around 2 or so, we have charcuterie, or a sandwich, on Thursdays is take out.
After lunch we all do whatever we want. I usually watch TV, or get in the computer and do some PSP or read, or clean around, do the dishes etc. I talk to Norbert almost daily too.
In the evening we get ready for dinner, some days I cook, some days Lizzie cooks. We get Blue Apron and those are fun to make and eat. I think we eat very well.  On Monday night we have Face Time with Sandy :)  We play with Lulu if she feels like it, and at 8PM we take her for a walk down and up the street.  After that we watch TV or read or text. Lizzie usually goes to bed by 10:30PM.  I stay up most nights until 2 or 3, if I go to bed earlier I cannot sleep. I've always been a night person, but taking care of Marvin really messed up my hours because I had to take care of him some days several times at night and really I only slept when I could, sometimes my best sleep was when he was at dialysis.
Anyway during the night I may watch a movie, or shows in Netflix and Amazon Prime. I am pretty addicted to Webcams of the World and I do some virtual travel almost nightly.  I am also pretty addicted to Tik Tok, I start watching it and an hour goes by before I realize it~

Well that's about the way my days go....


Yes that's right, only 1 book.  This hasn't happened before as far as I remember. Because the Libraries are closed!!!  Lizzie had lent me her Kindle and I wasn't sure that I'd like it, but I started reading a book this week and it seems all right, so hopefully I'll read more from now on. I missed it!


And many, many reality shows. My favorites: Master Chef Spain and Making the Cut in Amazon Prime.

The very BEST thing about April is that we (my family and friends) are all healthy!!! :)

...and now...on to MAY!

Much love to all my readers, take care and be safe.


Lizzie said...

very accurate reporting :)

RedRed said...

Very nice recap :)