Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Results

For Christmas last year, I gave myself and my husband a gift. It was to find out what ethnicity our ancestors were. So we took the DNA test through I think it was around $100 each.

A couple of weeks later I got my results, and a week later I got his.

Marv's ethnicity results are as follow:

45% Great Britain
26% Ireland

Then there's some other ethnicities but just traces , among them:

13% Europe West
7% Scandinavia
2% Italy/Greece
2% Europe East
1% Iberian Peninsula
1% Northwest Russia/Finland  
1% European Jewish                                                                                                                                 1% Africa North  

My brother in law has been researching their family tree for a long time, and he was surprised it didn't show any Native American DNA since doing his research he found out there might have been some Cherokee/Choctaw ancestors.      

My ethnicity results:

61%  Iberian Peninsula

And traces from

14% Great Britain
12% Italy/Greece
4% European Jewish
3% Europe East
2% Middle East
1% Africa North

According to the DNA information given:
Marv's ethnicity is English and Irish
My ethnicity is Iberian Peninsula (Spanish and Portugal)

And we both have traces from other world regions.

I guess if I want to know more about our ancestors, we'd have to make a family tree. But I am not sure how to go about it.
My sister Mia has made a family tree from Heritage, and also a 3rd cousin of mine in Spain also has a family tree in Heritage. I may have to ask them how to go about it.
I could make one in Ancestry that way it can link to the DNA.

The DNA test said if you are 51% of any ethnicity, that's what you are. So no surprises here for me :)



emtes said...

Very interesting with Marvin's Irish and British heritage.
I have not done the DNA test but I have found my ancestors as far as down to the 1300 and that was in Bavaria.
I found them on and there you can write a name and see if you have any relation. That's how I found out that I'm descend from both James V, king of Scots, as well as Henry VII king of England (Tudor) and also a Queen consort of France. And that is lineal!
It's so much easier to find your ancesters when they are noble because there are always things written about them. This line is on my mother's side. On my paternal grandfather's side they are farmers and sailors and not that easy to find.

I'm both on my heritage and because those two are linked.
You are in my tree as well as Marvin and the girls but also our father, our father's brother (?) Juan and your mother (I don't know how she came up but probably because she's your mother)

Good luck with finding your roots.It's so incredibly interesting!

Because of my favorite aunt's death I now have contacts with a lot of relatives I hardly didn't know I had - they are second cousins to me and I will probably meet them at the funeral. Some I have already met.

Take care now, have a good Sunday (I'm off to bed pretty soon)
Love you,
Puss och kram

Lizzie said...

Thanks for sharing, Mom! I'm also surprised that there's no Native American in Dad's DNA. I guess mine would be a mix of both of yours and Dad's. Very cool!