Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 de mayo

In my early days of working at Jersey School we always had a big celebration for  the "5 de mayo". The teachers would teach the kids some Mexican songs and/or dances and we invited the parents to watch the performances. Most teachers wore Mexican dresses and a good time was had by all.
The parens made the outifts for the kids and I taught them the dace :)

Nowadays they don't do anything for the 5 de mayo, because it "interferes" with teaching/tests/reading/etc. In the beginning I didn't know exactly what 5 de mayo was, or cared. What I enjoyed was the fiesta mood, the fun, the colors. Parents also brought homemade tacos, enchiladas, etc. Some of the best Mexican food I ever ate. Of course now they don't allow home cooked food in the schools anyway.

My aide at the time was Maria Delima, she gave me the dress I'm wearing.
Today I cooked dinner at home, my delicious enchiladas suiza and refried beans.
Before that we had guacamole, and nachos.
And I had several Coronitas!
No Margaritas today.
It was all good!

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