Saturday, March 31, 2012

Random acts....

My friend Norbert enjoys giving me things every time I see him. Random things. Today we met for breakfast in Seal Beach. We talked and walked by the Farmer's Market. As I was ready to leave to see Marvin at Pacific Palms, he gave me a bag with stuff in it. When I got home, I opened it and I had to take a picture at the randomness of the contents. Here's the picture:


RedRed said...

Those strawberries look delicious! And that is a lot of randomness but he is so sweet :)

emtes said...

I agree with Sandy. The strawberries looks yummie! You know how I love them. Then ones we have here now doesn't tast anything. We have had snow now for a couple of days but luckily it does melt away (so far)
Puss och kram <3