Friday, October 15, 2010

A rant and a smile

I am pretty fed up about the direction that Kindergarten is taking, especially in our District. It's all about data, scores, testing. It's NOT about children being children and enjoying their first school experience. I hate talking to the parents and having to tell them their 4 year old child is failing because he doesn't know all the sounds, or cannot write a simple sentence (when they still can't even write their names!).
I am tired about being told we all have to do the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. Experience, creativity and individuality is not appreciated anymore. It's just being a good robot and "do as I say" not "do what's best for the children".
I am actually happy this is my last year of Kindergarten. I never thought I would say it because I really have enjoyed it so much for so many years.

In a different vein, I was surprised to see Tristan in FB asking to be my friend. It was nice he asked all the family to be his friends :) I will enjoy seeing him on FB.

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