Well the day arrived. Open House! I am exhausted, I have been cleaning, and dusting, and rearranging, and decorating for 3 straight days after the children went home. I was wondering how come I was working and doing so much, then it dawned on me: Last year Mia helped me get the room ready! She was really a big help :)
Anyway, the evening went very well, I had 18 out of 20 students represented, there came moms and dads and grandparents and siblings, a full stream of people from 6:00 to 7:30PM.
I got very nice comments and thanks from everybody. I was pleased with the results.
Afterwards, jennifer and I met Marvin at the Acapulco Restaurant for our traditional dinner, complete with Margaritas. Marvin had a coupon for a free entree for his birthday, he and Jennifer had shrimp fajitas, I had taquitos with jalapeno relish. When we finished, the waiter brought a flan and we all sang Happy Birthday to Marvin.
I am about ready to go to bed now, Jennifer is already sleeping. Marvin is watching CSI.
Good night everybody! or good morning :)