Friday, May 31, 2024

A Road Trip to Arizona (Day 1)


I have wanted to go to Sedona AZ for a long time. This May, Lizzie and I planned on taking a road trip from La Mirada to Sedona, leaving on Thursday, May 9.

We were preparing for the tip and a couple of days before leaving, I slipped in the kitchen and fell, badly bruising my right arm and shoulder. I was lucky I didn't break anything, but it was a shock (update: my bruises and scratches are all gone, but my right knee is still a little sore). 

We left around 10:00AM on Thursday as planned. Lulu came along too. Lizzie is a very good driver and we had an uneventful trip to Prescott AZ, we made it in a little over 6 hours. Trivia: we left Lulu's water bowl in one of our rest stops. We crossed the very windy roads of the Prescott National Forest and arrived at the Hotel in Prescott. After a little rest, we drove to Prescott Valley to my nephew Rick's house, to say hello to him and Lee,the kids, Petey, and the chickens.

After visitng for a whiule, we went to downtown Presscott because I wanted to go to Whiskey Row, and also to get something to eat.

After walking around and eating a huge pulled pork sandwich, we went back to the hotel for a well deserved sleep. Lulu was happy to see us.

(to be continued)


RedRed said...

Yay! I'm happy to read about your Arizona adventures and see some photos!

Lizzie said...
