Sunday, October 1, 2023

September Recap

 September was cooler than August. It was pleasant to start the Fall weather, although we'll probably have some hot days ahead.

We did some gardening and it was pleasant, the garden looks good, and I have been growing new succulents and doing some transplanting. There are still some tomatoes on the vine.

The sad part of the month was the passing of my sister-in-law Bettie. She had been in the hospital and rehab and didn't get any better. Rest in peace, Bettie.

Another sad part, for me, was the breaking up of my long friendship with my friend Norbert. His personality changed since his fall a few years ago (TBI). A long story. 

L and I have gone out to eat a few times, El Torito Grill, Nonna Mercato, a Greek place, Porto's
 and we did the Blue Apron and some home cooking. We also went to our last Summer walk at the Arboretum on the 22nd.

On the 20th, we went to Pasadena, to see Jeff Berkley at the Lost Parrot Cafe, it was very nice.

On the 27th, L's friend Lindsay came over and they went to Hollywood where she had a gig, then spent the night here.



I have a few things to look forward to in October: My niece and her daughter will be visiting the US and spend a few days in NYC and SLC
L and I will go to SLC and meet them there at S's house
AND we will all go to :

1 comment:

RedRed said...

We are going to Yellowstone!!!