Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Recap

Jan 3         Marvin died peacefully at 8:30AM.  Sandy, Lizzie and I to Black Angus.
Jan 4         Deliver chocolates to Fresenius. In'n'Out. Clean fridge.
Jan 5         Drink Veuve Cliquodt champagne. And Margaritas.
Jan 6         El Cholo
Jan 7         Sandy left to SLC.  12/60 Pub
Jan 8         T to rehab
Jan 9         Rain. Lizzie and I to Cerritos Mortuary.  Lizzie left to SD
Jan 12       With Jennifer to Olive Garden
Jan 13       Sandy & Marty to Mazatlan. N all day helping take out Xmas lights.
Jan 16       Hair Salon.
Jan 17       Rose Hills called. Cremation. Lunch with Jennifer.
Jan 20       Lizzie over. To Auntie's
Jan 22       With Lizzie to Rose Hills. Ashes and flag.  Señor Campos. Lizzie to SD
Jan 23        Dinner to Cuban Restaurant Moro's with Amy.
Jan 28       N all day. Clean Jacuzzi etc. In'n'Out. Have a cold.
Jan 31       Full blood blue moon eclipse. Got up at 5:00AM

I also cleaned and packed and gave away M's clothes. Clean bathroom etc. Also talked to Dewey and Bettie and Sonia. It's lonely but Lulu is good company.



Friday, January 26, 2018

Life goes on...

It's been over 3 weeks since Marv died. Sandy wrote a very meaningful post explaining how his last days were. So I won't write anything else about it, just happy that he got to spend his last days with the people he loved and loved him. Thank you Sandy and Lizzie for all you did.

I've kept busy.  I  cleaned his closet and dresser, I packed and gave away his clothes to Goodwill. I got rid of most of his medical supplies, boxes and boxes of them.  I cleaned the bathroom, emptied all the drawers, super cleaned the toilet and the floors and the tub, I sanitized everything, it looks sparkling!

With time, I would like to make up the guest room into a regular bedroom, and keep his room as an office. That will take time.

On January 22, Lizzie and I went to the Rose Hills Mortuary  and were given a box with Marvin's ashes, and a US flag, since he was an Army Veteran
                                                          The box is a heavy gold tin,
                                                      I haven't taken the plastic cover yet. 
                                       It has his name, date of death and date of cremation. 
                         Right now the box and the flag are on top of his dresser, in his bedroom.

Lizzie has been helping me with a lot of the paperwork. It's unbelievable how much there is to do! Like changing everything to my name, deleting most of his credit cards, of course paying the bills, and a lot more.  I will also try to make a budget for myself since I will not receive anything from his SS, or his pension (that's how we set it up).

I think I'm doing OK. I do have some lonely moments just me and Lulu at home, no one to talk to. Even though Marvin was a man of few words, it was nice to discuss the days happenings with him. I miss that. I do have some crying moments, sometimes is the small things that get to me...
I have lost some weight because I find it hard to cook just for me, but I've been eating out quite a bit. Today I weigh 175 lbs, which is the lowest I've been for a long time.

For the last 6 years, my main purpose was taking care of Marvin, taking him to dialysis and to the doctors, making him comfortable at home, of course taking care of his colostomy (I don't miss that!)
We didn't do very much other than the usual routine, but we tried to go out to eat a couple of times a month. And of course enjoying the girl's visits.

 Right now I feel a little lost. But there's a lot to do, and life goes on.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Recap of 2017

Lizzie and Sonia and Nicole to LM from SD
Sonia and Nicole back to Barcelona
Lizzie to SD.  Rain
To LN with N. French Bistro
M Podiatry. Rain
Sandy’s knee surgery. All well.
 Dr Chapra podiatry
Lizzie to Austin, then to SLC to be with Sandy
Dodge to dealer. M feels weak
Trump’s Inauguration. Lots of rain

52nd Wedding Anniversary. We had a cold
Oscars and SuperBowl
DNA results

Marv had a procedure done on the 10th
I had a Mammogram on the 6th. Needs to be retaken
 Marv dermatology visit the 27th. Lip biopsy.
Had to Fix our heater
Lunch with N at HB El Ranchito
Lizzie came over bur got sickly at lunch L
Tristan turned 19 years old.

To wound nurse
Radiology for me
Podiatry for both of us
Lulu vaccine and salon
Dermatology for me – Lip surgery for M
Marvin’s 77th birthday. Lizzie over.
Sick with flu April 22, whole week.
New family member : Eddie Thegel

M’s Computer meltdown
Mother’s Day yumminess and love from my girls J
M. pain on his hip for two days. On our way to ER getting in the car we heard his hip crack.  Broken hip. May 15
Stressed. Had my hair done.
M to rehab  May 18
Girls to Savannah, GA
Lizzie came over May 28-29
Post Op visit. Doing OK. Using walker.     
M recovering. Get bath bench. Physical Therapist
Pain on my saide, stress&indigestion
Pick lots of tomatoes
Sandy turned 51 J
Lizzie over for Father’s Day, to Black Angus los 3.

Lizzie to Michigan
Seal Beach with N
Appointment with my new Dr Tran
Nuri’s 76th BD talk to her and Monica and Sonia later
Sandy and Lizzie over. All of us to El Cholo –July 16
M leg pain. To ER July 22. Cellulitis. Released July 24

Eye infection and anxiety meltdown.
Urgent care and ER. Hip wound infection August 3
Lizzie over. M released August 9
Spider/bug bites on my legs.
Nurses and physical therapists
Terrorism attack in Las Ramblas. August 17
Total eclipse of the sun  August 21
Huge floods in Texas  August 25

M felt sick
Talk to Nuri and Monica.. Lizzie over. M haircut.
Very bad day September 12
Mia’s 63rd birthday
Girls to Outer Banks NC vacation
Seal Beach. La crema. Harbor House
M didn’t feel well, got transfusions. Leg red and swollen L
Pain on the side of my right knee.

Catalan referendum for Independence from Spain
Massacre in Las Vegas 58 dead.
Lunch at Ruby’s with N
Wound nurse. To orthopedics. M’s hip has healed.
Edison worked on electric poles
Bought 2018 Honda with M.
Brought car home.

To my doctor and radiology, all well. Hair done
Financial advisor over.
M sick at night. Disoriented. Called 911
To ER. Pneumonia. Nov.9 – Released Nov 12
Lizzie over.  Bettie and Lee over
Get mustang panels
Lizzie’s 46th BD
Thanksgiving with Lizzie, Norbert and Marv
Talk to Sandy about T


December 5, M was not feeling well. He was very cold.
Went to dialysis and his BP was very low. They called the paramedics. To ER
Everything  was closing down, his breathing, BP etc. Inserted breathing tube and to ICU
Lizzie came over.
To ICU Hard times, bleeding colostomy, Strep Pneumonia, heart, breathing tube, blood pressure…
My 74th BD. Sandy over. To Marshall’s shopping spree. El Cholo.
Next day to Sunset and Pacific City
M transferred to post ICU. Bad room 2321. His brother and sisters over.
December 21 – Marv made the decision to stop dialysis and come home for the holidays.
Great sad family Christmas. Saying goodbye.
Home hospice. 
December 31. Very weak but the girls and me drank a toast with him to 2018.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Saying goodbye

My husband died peacefully yesterday at home 
with his daughters and me by his side.
May he rest in peace. 
He will be missed.

I love you