Thursday, March 6, 2014


I was thinking today that I miss my Spanish family (what's left of them), and I also miss my hometown, and being around people that speak catalan, and that have the same roots as I do.

I usually don't dwell on it but once in a while I see something or read something that reminds me of it. Today I was looking at some of my pictures prior to my coming to the US and I remember so clearly  what I was doing, what I was wearing, who I was with etc. I feel sad I don't have anybody to talk about it that would understand because they had not known me then. Really the only person that knew me then is Lolin and poor woman just had brain surgery and is not in any shape to talk or discuss things. The other is Nuri, and we all know how it went with her, I am still waiting for her to call me back someday.

1 comment:

emtes said...

Yes, I have heard the same from people who has moved to Sweden from another country. As they grow older they long for their native country and the people they knew. But I think it's so very different from when you grow up and I think you might be dissapointed. It's the same even if you are in your native country. You want to revisit places and people you used to know and who knows you, your background and sofort. But it will never be the same, I think, because places change and so does people.
But I totally get you. I have been back to places that I really wanted to revisit and where I used to spend a lot of times as child and teenager but I got dissapointed. It was not the same at all.
With all this I just wanted to say that it is usually like this and you are not alone :-)

I saw the photo of you, the girls, you Mother and our father and you looked so happy all of you. It was really a nice photo.