Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Handyman

Today Sunday, the three of us had a nice breakfast, waffles and bacon. Is a nice way to start the day.

Lizzie stayed around until noon, and then went back to San Diego. It's always so nice to have her here :)

Around 2PM, Norbert, the handyman, came by to do a few odds and ends around the house, and to have dinner with us.

He's been very helpful doing a few things that neither Marvin nor I can (or want) to do. Today he changed the furnace filter, then we went to get a new one to Home Depot. Next he fixed the hose carrier so it doesn't move around when we pull the hose out. Then he cut the carpet that had been in the garage for a while in smaller pieces so it could fit in the trashcan, and lastly he hung a mirror in the "guest" room.

Of course Lulu was totally excited having two "new" people around to play with, she jumps up very high and gets really hyper, she's funny! BTW while Norbert was outside she took a dump without coaxing. I know it sounds funny, but her toilet needs are a source of amusement and frustration to me.

For dinner we had grilled bratwurst with peppers and onions on a bun. French green beans sauteed with garlic and olive oil, and asparagus with olive oil dressing and a touch of lemon. I also made a potato salad, but alas no dessert!

I also agree with Sandy about the change of time. Confusing!~

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